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As you continue to grow as a leader both within and beyond Chick-fil-A, the ability to share constructive and valuable feedback is something that can set you apart as a leader.  Most of us don't like to be the source of negativity or be the one who is always sharing criticism, but if you can master the art of providing feedback, not only will you become an expert truth teller, but people will begin to seek you out to get your feedback to help them develop and grow.


Think through the following questions:

  • Can you think of a time where you were given some feedback on your performance that helped you grow?  What did you appreciate about how that feedback was shared?  What would you do different?

  • What is your attitude towards sharing feedback with others?  Are you too quick to correct others or are you sometimes too timid in sharing feedback?  Why do you think that is the case?

  • Do you view coaching and providing feedback as part of your responsibilities as a leader?  Do you think your team members might expect you to help them develop through coaching and feedback?


Coaching and providing feedback is something that if done wrong can completely disengage a team member, but if done correctly can launch team members to a new level of engagement and performance.  It is a skill that develops over time and practice and each situation will vary, however understanding basic principles of feedback and leading with a heart of humility will always set you on the right path.  Review the 5 principles of providing feedback (create safety, â€‹be positive, be specific, be timely, be supportive).  


Think through the following questions:

  • ​Do you approach leadership with a humble spirit?  Are you open to receiving feedback from others regarding your leadership, attitude, and performance?

  • Do you demonstrate a level of confidence and expertise in the business? Do you know standards and procedures, and if not do you feel confident in your ability to find the correct resources for answers?

  • Do you follow up and support team members after providing feedback?  If asked, would team members say that you support their growth or that you just criticize their performance?



Jack Welch is a respected business leader who was the former CEO of General Electric and grew the value of the company over 4000% during his tenure as a leader.  One of his quotes that he is known for saying is that "before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself; but once you become a leader, success is all about growing others."  As a leader at Chick-fil-A, your success will be determined by your ability to coach, grow, and develop those around you.  People are relying on you to give them the feedback they need to be the best versions of themselves and reach their potential. Try to see if you can take a step forward in each one of these pillars of our business over the course of the next month.

  • Seek Feedback – Reach out to one team member, one peer, and one leader above you and ask them to share feedback with you regarding your performance.  Be willing to listen and hear their feedback and see if there are opportunities for you to develop in the business. 

  • Practice Feedback - Find a partner and go through the mock scenarios listed below.  Use this as an opportunity to practice and learn so that you can be better prepared when you actually do need to share some feedback with a team member.

  • Share Feedback – Pay attention this next month for opportunities to share feedback as needed in the business.  Try leading with a heart of humility and asking for permission to share feedback.  Then try using the "sandwich model" by affirming positive behavior, addressing negative behavior, and then encouraging the positive outcomes that will happen when they adjust their actions.



Provides timely and specific feedback to team members; is able to identify and provide resources to help with team member development; holds frequent development discussions; leads with a spirit of humility and desire to help others grow; challenges others to reach their full potential verses leaving them discouraged or feeling criticized; seeks out feedback from others on ways to improve own performance.



  1. "Thanks for the Feedback" by Doulgas Stone & Sheila Heen

  2. Mock Feedback Scenarios



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