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Knowing the vision of our business is important, it is the framework in which we make decisions and do the work we do each and every day.   At Chick-fil-A Southroads, our overall vision remains to have a positive influence on others.  However, the execution of this vision in our daily operations requires leaders to set goals, make decisions, and set direction as they lead their teams into the future.  This is strategic vision...the ability to set a vision or direction within our larger business framework and then lead your team to that new destination.  


Think through the following questions:

  • Think about the words "leader" and "manager".   Do you think they mean the same thing or is there a difference between the two?

  • Do you think the team currently is willing to follow your lead as you set the direction for your shifts or an area of the business?  Why or why not?

  • How often do you find yourself thinking about the future of the business?  Do you ever think that you could be a big part of driving the change and leading our team to a better place in the business?


Most people who pursue leadership positions don't often do much more than "manage" the day to day operations.  However, great leaders are the ones who actually LEAD.  They set a direction for their team and then they lead them to that new and preferred destination.  Review the acronym CFA (current state, future state, action) as you think about creating strategic vision to lead others.   Leaders are able to help their team understand the current state of the business and it's challenges, then paint a picture of a better future state, and then outline an action plan to get there.  If you can do these three things as a leader, you will begin to see your team be more engaged along the journey you are leading them within the business.


Think through the following questions:

  • What are one to two areas of the business that you think could currently use improving?  Why do you think it needs to change?  What are the risks to the business, team, or guests if it doesn't change?

  • What could be the preferred future of our business if we were to make these changes?  Paint that picture in your mind.  What are the benefits to the business, team, and guests? 

  • What actions do you think the team would need to take to reach this future state of the business?  How can you motivate the team and encourage them along the way?  What challenges could the team face along the way that would cause them to go back to doing things the old way?



Your team is depending on you to set strategic vision as a leader!  If you do not proactively lead your team into the future, you could actually be hurting them by allowing them to continue behaviors which will cause more damage and challenges in the long run.  Painting a picture of the future and creating an action plan are great, however, as a leader you need to be actively involved in leading and encouraging your team long each step of the journey.   Try to see if you can take a step forward in setting strategic vision for the business this next month.

  • Current State - Share one of the ideas you have for change in our business to a Director.   Practice presenting to them what you see as a current challenge in the business and why you think it matters and is important to address.  Make sure you have a compelling case as to what may be the consequences if we do not address the issue in a timely manner.

  • Future State – Next share with the Director where you see the future state of the business if we were to address this issue.  Make sure to paint a clear picture of all the benefits you see for the business, team, and guests.  Discuss how you and the team will know when you get to that future state?

  • Action – Use the "Influencer Project Form" to create and present an action plan to your Director to share how you think we can get from our current state to our future state.  What role do you think you can play in leading the team forward?  What resources and support do you think you will need?  

  • With Director support, try to set the strategic vision for your idea to the team.  Use the same process above to explain to them your vision and proactively lead them forward to accomplish your vision.  Be prepared to encourage and motivate them along the way and track you progress to share back with your Director.  Be sure to utilize your Directors and other leaders to help you along the way as well.



Sees ahead clearly; can anticipate future consequences and trends accurately; has broad knowledge and perspective; is future oriented; can articulately paint credible pictures and visions of possibilities and likelihoods; can create competitive and breakthrough strategies and plans; is able to connect personal strategic vision into larger overall vision of business. 



  1. "From Here to There" video by Bill Hybels

  2. "Visioneering" by Andy Stanley

  3. Influencer Project Form



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