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Personal development is a life long journey and at Chick-fil-A we want to be a part of the journey in helping you grow stronger.  Not only does developing yourself help you grow as a leader, but developing yourself better equips you to invest and grow others.   No matter how much you learn, there is always an opportunity to learn more and sharpen your saw as a leader.


Think through the following questions:

  • Do you have a growth mindset for your development?  Do you seek out development opportunities and look for ways to improve and get better?

  • Do you have a desire to develop others?  Do you think you need to be an expert before teaching others or do you think there is value in sharing your experiences, current knowledge, and time?

  • Do you see Chick-fil-A as a platform to launch you into your future whether within or beyond Chick-fil-A?  What are skillsets or character traits you can build at Chick-fil-A that will benefit your future career?


Leadership growth doesn't happen by accident and having a game plan can accelerate your growth opportunities!  Review the acronym G.R.O.W. (Goals, Resources, Ownership, Winning).  Strategic personal growth involves setting goals for yourself and utilizing the resources that are available to you to grow.  Leaders who focus on personal growth take ownership of their growth and don't rely on others to develop them and when they win and achieve their goals, then they focus on helping others win as well.  


Think through the following questions:

  • Think about where you want to be 1 year from now?  3 years from now?  5 years from now?  What goals do you need to set to get to your desired outcome?  What resources are available to you now at Chick-fil-A that can help you achieve those goals?

  • Do you take ownership of your own development? Do your current supervisors know your aspirations? Have you reviewed the roadmap for growth to understand your next steps in development?

  • Do you celebrate the milestones and wins in your development journey?  Take some time to think about how you've grown in the last year and how you've helped others around you grow as well?



When you start your leadership journey, often you will find most of your training and development is spoon fed.  But as you grow as a leader and advance within organizations, most of your leadership development may fall on your own shoulders.  Hopefully, great organizations will still provide opportunities to develop their talent, but developing a personal growth mindset for yourself and others will help to set you apart as a leader and will keep you prepared for the opportunities which will arise for you as a leader.  See if over the next month you can begin to challenge yourself and your team to pursue a growth mindset within or outside the business.

  • SELF - Using the G.R.O.W. model, create a development plan for yourself for the next year.  Identify where you want to see yourself in one year as a leader, in your career, or in your personal life.  Set some realistic goals and work with a senior leader in the business to see what resources are available to you at Chick-fil-A to help you accomplish your goals.  Take ownership and set up reminders along the way to track your progress and celebrate wins in your journey.

  • TEAM - Identify some team members you work with and ask them how they want to develop within or outside of Chick-fil-A.  Help them to create some goals for their development and help provide them resources you think can help them reach their goals.  Provide accountability to them along the way, making sure to ask them how they are doing against their goals and be sure to celebrate their wins as you see them accomplish and improve along their leadership journey.



Has a personal growth mindset and takes ownership of own development; sets goals and has a clear direction of their development opportunities; seeks out feedback and proactively identifies resources to aid in development; has a desire to help others grow and develop; is aware of and provides resources of Chick-fil-A to support others in their development journey; takes time to celebrate wins of themselves and others as they grow and develop.



  1. Roadmap to Growth

  2. Personal Development Plan Template

  3. "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey



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