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Leadership can be a hard concept to grasp.  In its simplest form leadership can be the idea of serving and helping out others all the time and in its most complex form leadership can be a smorgasbord of dozens of skillsets and character traits. 

Think through the following questions:

  • What do you think it means to be a leader?

  • Has your view on leadership changed over time, if so, how?

  • What are some of the challenges of being a leader?

Review the 5 attributes of the SERVE Leadership Model (See and Shape the Future, Engage and Develop Others, Reinvent Continuously, Values Results and Relationships, Embody the Values). 

Think through the following questions:

  • ​Who is a great leader you know?  Could be a coach, team leader, public leader, etc.  Are there any aspects of the SERVE Leadership Model that you see them demonstrate?

  • Is there one attribute within the SERVE Leadership Model that you think you currently demonstrate?  

  • Is there an attribute within the SERVE Leadership Model that you have never considered before? 


There will be a lot of time spent diving deeper in each of these attributes in future lessons, but in the meantime pick an attribute below and see if you can view leadership with a different lens this week.  Try to see if you can take a step forward in each one of these attributes over the course of the next month.

  • See and Shape the Future – How can you help be an ambassador for the vision at Chick-fil-A?  Tell one team member a story of how you've seen the vision demonstrated in our business.

  • Engage and Develop Others – Who is someone at Chick-fil-A that you could invest in and help develop? Let that person know that you are here to help them if they ever have any questions or needs.

  • Reinvent Continuously – Is there a system or process at Chick-fil-A that you could help to improve?  Think of one thing you think could be done better and work with another team member or leader to think through any possible solutions. 

  • Values Results and Relationships – What is one way that you can combine your relationships with the team to help motivate and drive our performance to reach a particular result?  Try setting a goal for a shift and see if you can get your team bought into achieving that goal.

  • Embody the Values – Ask someone on the team you trust what they think is your reputation on the team?  Ask them what actions you do that make them think that way of you.  Is that who you want to be and if not ask them what you could do to portray the values you want to uphold.


Has a balanced approach to leadership;  is able to identify each area of SERVE Leadership Model and how they are developing within each attribute; can clearly articulate and share the SERVE Leadership Model with others; has a daily commitment to have a heart to sere those that they lead.


  1. "The Secret" by Mark Miller 

  2. Southroads Vision and Goals

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